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les 3 chambres

For your convenience, Ar Litorienn opens its three themed Rooms.

Taste the Elves Room freshness of aniseed spring tones, so spacious,
this room is ideal for a family and can host up to 4 persons.
Between Indigo and blue give you a moment of serenity in the Room of Viviane aquatic reflections.
Touch finger royalty and discover the Red Room of Arthur & Guinevere spicy and flamboyant.

Discover which is yours to preference by clicking on the link under the picture.

chambre des elfes chambre de viviane chambre de arthur et guenièvre
visuel chambre des elfes visuel chambre viviane visuel chambre arthur et guenièvre
bouton entrez bouton entrez bouton entrez

Mobile : 06 09 94 46 27 - Landline : 02 97 75 70 28 - Email : contact@arlitorienn.fr
SGAL Folle Pensée, 35380 Paimpont © Ar Litorienn 2015-2016